Message from Advisor

Welcome to the Computer Science and Engineering Department (CSE) at the Bangladesh University As Advisor of CSE, I would like to share with you some highlights of our department – our world class faculty and research centers,

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Message from Head

I would like to extend my warmest welcome to you as the Head to the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the Bangladesh University. Computing has revolutionized our world as we know it in the past two decades and will continue to serve as the core of all technologies in the 21st century.

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BU is the leading private university in Bangladesh with strong and diverse research and teaching programs in the departments under three faculties. Undergraduate programs of CSE in the Faculties of Science, Engineering and Technology extend over four years and lead to B.Sc. Engineering degrees

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No alternatives for study in a student life to pass their subject successfully and make their dream job career in competitive Job Market. So you must need to study.

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You must need proper guideline for your study , only a good guideline can make your work easy from others and take you ahead in the race.

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Proper study & good guideline is the key of success in your student life. So do some hard work and achieve any goal in future.

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About Bangladesh


Established under the Private University Act (1992) and approved by the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Bangladesh University has been successfully carrying out its noble mission since 2001. The University maintains close collaboration with the University Grants Commission (UGC), the Ministry of Education, Govt of Bangladesh and American, British, Netherlands and other universities. Bangladesh University has decided to provide the lowest fees in all fields of studies in comparison to other private universities of Bangladesh to encourage and enable the middle class students to pursue higher modern and scientific studies. Bangladesh University strives to attain perfection in its efforts to educate the youth of Bangladesh.

Quazi Jamil Azher

Chairman of Bangladesh University

Top Stories

  • Our beliefs

    We believe that education is the only way towards a successful future & university is the highest level for education. We believe better university can make your future better. All teachers and students hold a range of beliefs about religion, education, health, politics or a multitude of other topics. When combined, teachers’ and students’ beliefs about teaching and learning are often referred to as educational beliefs.

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  • Study system

    Bangladesh University Digital Education Center was established in the Faculty of Science, Engineering & Technology Building in order to accelerate research facilities for faculty, staff and students. Md. Sadiq Iqbal, Head, Department of Computer Science & Engineering was the founder Director of the Center.

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  • Study system

    The mission of CSE Department of BU is to facilitate the educational process by assisting students, faculty, and staff by providing:

    • A welcoming and encouraging service environment, in person and via other modes of contact;
    • Accurate and timely processing of data related to course offerings, registration and academic records;
    • Support and advice regarding academic policies and procedures;
    • Data to a variety of constituents, in support of the academic decision making.
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  • Dean`s office

    The Dean of each Faculty shall be executive officers of the Faculty who shall be responsible for observance.

    Ordinances and Regulations relating to the Faculty and he shall hold office until his successor enters upon the office.The Dean shall issue Lecture lists of the University in the Department comprised in the Faculty and shall be responsible for the conduct of teaching.

  • Students

    In Bangladesh University students are responsible for the study and teachers help them as their needs

    In Bangladesh University Students do various activities beside proper education, Teachers help them to make their goal in every possible way. This is very helpful for a new student who need proper guidelines. So for good quality study student prefer to admin here.

  • Research centre

    All members of the Bangladesh University community are engaged in creating new knowledge

    Its brings an innovative, entrepreneurial spirit to this work of discovery. People take on audacious problems, bring imaginative new approaches to solving them, and work collaboratively to advance knowledge and make meaningful contributions to our world.

  • Library

    Bangladesh University offer large collection of books in their library for student and teachers.

    For proper education we always need good quality knowledge and only from good books we can get that, Here Bangladesh University give us that opportunity for our education. Large number of books offer great discovery in our study outline.